Real-time integration of SAP applications with AWS®

ASAPIO Integration Add-on directly connects SAP systems to EventBridge, Kinesis, S3 and SNS.

Why using ASAPIO?

ASAPIO enables SAP systems for event-driven connectivity, with many platforms and application.
Unlike many other solutions, ASAPIO uses SAP application layer integration instead of a database-only/CDC integration.
ASAPIO Add-on detects when and which data exactly is being created or changed by SAP applications, and allows to send out that data as single messages in real-time, or even in batch-mode.
Benefits of using ASAPIO for your data and process integration with AWS and other platforms or applications:

  • For any SAP connectivity
  • Low-code + no-code interfaces
  • Real-time SAP application integration
  • Mass data capable
  • Outbound + inbound messaging
  • Lightweight + fast
  • Proven: ASAPIO technology is part of two SAP standard products

More info

Find more info on the general features of ASAPIO Integration Add-on on the main page: click here.


ASAPIO is registered Partner of AWS, and ASAPIO Integration Add-on is certified as Qualified Software.


Please contact us on licensing, demo and other questions.

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