Unlock your SAP data with Confluent and ASAPIO

Enable your SAP systems for seamless connectivity to Confluent Platform and Confluent Cloud.


ASAPIO connects SAP systems directly to Confluent, for Analytics, Process and Application integration

Supports a broad range of SAP ABAP-based systems, including SAP ECC, S/4HANA, BW, HCM, and more.

Visit the Confluent website to learn more on Confluent Cloud in particular, and how this is the perfect platform for your SAP data.

Universal and code-less approach reduces effort and risk

Use our ASAPIO Payload Designer application (or a database / CDS view) to model the message types. Custom code is still possible, if you need it. The ASAPIO configuration approach for an interface is same across many of the available connectors, you are not locked-in to a specifc target platform.

Bi-directional communication  

ASAPIO supports both outbound and inbound communication. For outbound, choose between event-driven (single events) or batch mode (multiple events, including multiple events per REST proxy call), per interface.

How-to video

Watch on YouTube®

How to get started?

Please request your trial license here and follow our step-by-step guides in our Docs section:

How does it work?

ASAPIO Connector for Confluent is based on ASAPIO Integration Add-on, a proven SAP-certified solution and robust framework for many integration use-cases.

Please check out https://asapio.com/integration/ to read more on the unique benefits of ASAPIO’s integration approach.

For communicating with Confluent, 2 options are available:

REST Proxy:
Confluent REST Proxy for Kafka is mandatory for the connectivity and subject to a separate license.

Please see https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-rest for more details.

Direct connect/V3:

A Connector for Confluent Cloud direct connect (V3 REST API) is available as pre-release in the download section for registered customers. This connector can only handle outbound connectivity. For inbound, please use the REST proxy approach above. Read more in the Release note. 

ASAPIO is certified for Confluent® Platform and Cloud

Since April 2021, the Connector is certified as Source and Sink for Confluent Platform and Cloud
– please visit Confluent Hub website for details.

Out-of-the-box connectivity, with just a few configuration steps

  1. Enter connection data to the REST proxy end-point
  2. Configure the required authorization data on Connector side
  3. Configure your message type and payload
  4. Choose the applicable SAP business object event and link it to your just created message type
  5. Choose between real-time / single-event mode or batch driven mode
  6. Activate the connection

Installation and config:

SAP Blog: 
How to connect SAP ECC + S/4HANA … with Confluent Cloud or Confluent Platform

Posted on December 1st, 2023

Delivery and deployment

Subscribers will receive an installation package, including SAP transport requests for the respective SAP system.

After import of the transports with SAP Transport Management System (transaction code STMS), the Add-on configuration settings will appear in the SAP systems’s built-in SAP Implementation and Configuration Guide.

Now apply the basic configuration and connectivity settings, including authorizations setup, SM59 endpoint configuration etc., which is all explained in detail in the supplied configuration guide.

Once the connector is set-up, you can start right away into configuring events, message payload and triggers.

Why connecting SAP systems to Confluent?

Confluent Platform is the leading enterprise platform for harnessing Data in Motion on your private infrastructure. Unrestricted developer productivity, freedom of choice about the infrastructure and efficient operations at scale are just some of the strong benefits of Confluent Platform.

Confluent Cloud brings you the full power of data in motion while avoiding the headaches of infrastructure management. Focus on what matters: your business. Confluent Cloud is a complete, cloud-native service for connecting and processing all of your data, everywhere it’s needed.

Martin Schöffler

Product Manager
ASAPIO Integration Add-on

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