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You can connect SAP systems with Microsoft® Azure® Service Bus, Event Grid or Event Hub services.

Required components of ASAPIO Integration Add-ons:

Add-on/component name Type
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Framework Base component (required)
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Connector for Microsoft® Azure® Additional package

Key features:

  1. Supports a wide range of SAP NetWeaver based systems, including SAP ERP, S/4HANA, BW, HCM and many more
  2. Out-of-the-box connectivity to ASAPIO Microsoft® Azure® Service Bus, Event Grid and Event Hubs
  3. REST-based outbound communication
  4. Inbound communication is supported via
    1. Pull-based from Service Bus
    2. Push-based to the ASAPIO REST endpoint, via a Webhook (e.g. Azure Function) triggered by Event Grid or Event Hubs
  5. Switch between event-driven (single events) or batch mode (job-driven) calls
  6. Batch mode allows multi-threading with multiple SAP work processes
  7. Requires SAP NetWeaver 7.31 or higher as SAP_BASIS component

Block Architecture:


Pre-requisites for Microsoft® Azure® services

Note The following settings are specific to the connector for Microsoft® Azure®. A Microsoft® Azure® account is required, with access to one of the following services:

  • Event Hub
  • Service Bus
  • Event Grid

Steps required to establish connectivity

To establish connectivity with the Microsoft Azure platform, please proceed with the following activities and refer to the specific documentation articles please.

  1. Create RFC destinations to Microsoft Azure platform in SAP system settings
  2. Set-up connection instance to Microsoft Azure platform in ASAPIO Integration Add-on
  3. Endpoint configuration (Event Grid, Event Hub, Service Bus or custom HTTP endpoint)Please see article “Authentication options” for an overview of supported authentication options for the different endpoints.
  4. See article example outbound message for a simple example to test the connectivity

Authentication options

The different Azure services offer different authorization options:

  1. OAuth via Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  2. Managed Identities
  3. Shared Access Signatures (SAS)
Authentication mechanism Azure Service
OAuth via Azure AD
  • Service Bus
  • Event Hub
  • Custom http endpoint
Managed Identities
  • Service Bus
  • Event Hub
  • Custom http endpoint
Shared Access Signatures
  • Service Bus
  • Event Hub
  • Event Grid

To learn how to configure each of above, see the specific article for the service

Create RFC destinations

Create RFC destination for messaging endpoints

Create a new RFC destination of type “G” (HTTP Connection to External Server).

  • Transaction: SM59
  • Create new destination of type “G”
  • Specify Target Host: endpoint for Service Bus Namespace or Event Hubs Namespace

Create RFC destination for OAuth Authentication (optional)

To use OAuth authentication with Azure AD, please configure a RFC destination specifying the OAuth endpoint

  • Transaction: SM59
  • Create new destination of type “G”
  • Specify Target Host: login.microsoftonline.com
  • Specify Path Prefix: <tenantID>/oauth2/token

Note: <tenantID> is the client id of the Azure AD, please find it at https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/Properties

Add the certificates for the created destinations to the certificate list selected in tab Logon & Security:

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Add Certificates to Trust Store

  • Transaction: STRUST
  • Select Certificate List as used in RFC destination created above
  • Click button Import certificate (1)
  • Click button Add to Certificate List (2)

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Set-up basic settings

Activate BC-Set

Business Configuration sets (BC-Set) contain customizing and configuration-related table entries that are not imported with the add-on.

  • Transaction: SCPR20
  • BC-Set includes:
    • Configuration for cloud adapter
    • Configuration for cloud codepages
    • Definition of IDoc segments
  • Activate the BC-Set with default values: /ASADEV/ACI_BCSET_FRAMEWORK_AZ

Configure cloud adapter

Add an entry for the connector to the list of cloud adapters:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Maintain Cloud Adapter. 
    • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Cloud Type: name with which to reference this type of connector
    • ACI Handler Class: /ASADEV/CL_ACI_AZURE_REST

Set-up connection instance

Create the connection instance customizing that ties together the RFC destination created earlier and the cloud connector type:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Field Instance: a name for this connection in
    • Field RFC Dest. (Upload): the RFC destination create for the messaging endpoint (please see article Create RFC destinations)
    • Field ISO Code: the code page to use
    • Field Cloud Type: AZURE (or the name you chose when adding the connector)

Set-up Error Type Mapping

Create an entry in section Error Type Mapping and specify at least the following mapping:

Resp. Code: 201 Message Type: Success

Set-up Authentication

Please specify the desired authentication scheme to be used, in the connection data. You can choose from

  • OAuth using Azure AD
  • Managed Identities
  • Shared Access Signatures (SAS)

OAuth using Azure AD

For OAuth based authentication using Azure AD, provide these values:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the client id created in Azure for this integration
  • TOKEN_DESTINATION: the RFC destination created for the OAuth endpoint
  • AZURE_AUTH_RESOURCE: Optional. Note: only needed for custom http endpoints

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Managed Identities

Note: Authentication based on managed identities only works if your SAP system is also running in the Azure cloud! For authentication based on Managed Identities specify the following values:

Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_SERVICE_TYPE Specifying your service (e.g. servicebus)
TOKEN_DESTINATION RFC destination for Managed Identity endpoint

In the default values for the Connection:

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The RFC destination for the Managed Identities endpoint:

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Note: The destination must be configured to use HTTP (not HTTPS!)

Shared Access Signatures (SAS)

For SAS based authentication, provide these values:

  • AZURE_KEY_NAME: the name of the SAS policy
  • AZURE_NAMESPACE: the namespace used in Azure Service Bus / Event Hub

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Save Secret in SAP Secure Store

For OAuth and SAS based authentications, a secret has to be stored in the systems’ SAP Secure Store. This secret is either:

  • Client Secret for OAuth
  • Primary Key of SAS Policy

Enter the secret in the SAP Secure Store:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Set the cloud connection password
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/SCI_TPW
  • Select the create Cloud Instance
  • Enter the client secret in the Cloud Shared Secret field and execute

Ein Bild, das Text enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Note: For authentication using Managed Identities no secret has to be stored!

Endpoint configuration

Service Bus endpoint configuration

Note: Please complete the instructions from chapters “Create RFC destinations” and “Set-up connection instance” first. There are two possibilities to set up the Service Bus endpoint:

  • For oAuth based authentication:  add default values AZURE_AUTH_TYPE and AZURE_SERVICE_TYPE
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID your client id specified in Azure
TOKEN_DESTINATION RFC destination for OAuth endpoint

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  • For SAS based authentication: add default values AZURE_AUTH_TYPE and AZURE_SERVICE_TYPE
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_KEY_NAME the key name specified in Azure

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Event Hub endpoint configuration

Note: Please complete the instructions from chapters “Create RFC destinations” and “Set-up connection instance” first. There are two possibilities to set up the Event Hub endpoint:

  • For oAuth based authentication: add the default values AZURE_SERVICE_TYPE and AZURE_AUTH_TYPE
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID your client id specified in Azure
TOKEN_DESTINATION RFC destination for OAuth endpoint

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  • For SAS based authentication: add the default values AZURE_SERVICE_TYPE and AZURE_AUTH_TYPE
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_NAMESPACE your Azure EventHub namespace
AZURE_KEY_NAME key name specified in Azure

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Event Grid endpoint configuration

Note: Please complete the instructions from chapters “Create RFC destinations” and “Set-up connection instance” first.

  • For SAS based authentication:  add default values AZURE_GRID_REGION and AZURE_GRID_TOPIC
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_GRID_REGION your Azure EventGrid region (technical name)
AZURE_GRID_TOPIC your Azure EventGrid topic


Custom HTTP endpoint configuration

Note: Please complete the instructions from chapters “Create RFC destinations” and “Set-up connection instance” first. Note Only OAuth Authentication with Azure AD is supported. To use custom http endpoints, please configure the following two additional settings: Connection Default Values:

Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_AUTH_RESOURCE specify the resource to use in the OAuth authentication call

Ein Bild, das Text enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Outbound Object Header Attributes:

Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
ACI_HTTP_URI specify the path to send the messages to

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Set-up outbound messaging

For outbound messaging, you can use and even combine the following methods:

  • Simple Notifications
  • Message Builder (Generic View Generator)
  • IDoc capturing
  • Custom-built triggers and extractors

Pre-requisite for all methods is to create a message type, which will be used throughout the configuration process. The following articles explain the individual possibilities.

Create a new Message Type

Create Message Type

Note: In the example below, we use the Sales Order (BUS2032) event. Please use suitable data for your use-case as required. For each object to be sent via ACI you have to create a message type:

  • Transaction: WE81
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Message Type: unique name for the integration
    • Description: description of the purpose

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Activate Message Type

  • Transaction: BD50
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Message Type: the created message type
    • Active: tick the checkbox

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Simple Notifications

Create Outbound Object configuration

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Select the created Connection
  • Go to section Outbound Objects
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object: name of the outbound configuration
    • Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_SIMPLE_NOTIFY
    • Message Type: the created message type
    • Load Type: Incremental Load
    • Trace: activate for testing purposes

This example uses the built-in notification event.

Set-up target endpoint in ‘Header Attributes’

Configure the topic / queue / event hub name to send the events to:

  • Go to section Header Attributes
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Header Attribute: AZURE_TOPIC (mandatory)
    • Header Attribute Value: the topic/queue/event hub

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Set up ‘Business Object Event Linkage’

Link the configuration of the outbound object to a Business Object event:

  • Transaction: SWE2
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object Category: BO BOR Object Type
    • Object Type: the Business Object Type sending the event
    • Event: the event to react to
    • Receiver Type: the message type of the outbound object (this is the link to the Addon configuration)
    • Receiver Call: Function Module
    • Receiver Function Module: /ASADEV/ACI_EVENTS_TRIGGER
    • Linkage Activated: tick the checkbox

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Test the outbound event creation

In the example above, please pick any test sales order in transaction /nVA02 and force a change event, e.g. by changing the requested delivery date on header level.

Message Builder (Generic View Extractor)

The message builder is based on database views. It can extract and format data based on the configured database view. The formatting tries to nest the data based on the used database tables.

Create database view

For the data events also configure the DB view that is used to define the extraction:

  • Transaction: SE11 (for SAP ERP or S/4HANA on-prem deployments with SAP GUI access)
  • Alternatively, you can use Eclipse with ABAP Development Tools, or the SAP Fiori App “Create Custom CDS Views” to create a database view if you have this app available in SAP S/4HANA.

Example: Material master view (e.g. to be used for Material Master (BUS1001) change events)

Create Outbound Object configuration

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Select the created Connection
  • Go to section Outbound Objects
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object: name of the outbound configuration
    • Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEW_EXTRACTOR
    • Message Type: the created message type
    • Load Type: Incremental Load
    • Trace: activate for testing purposes
    • Formatting Function: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEW_FORMATTER
    • Extraction View Name: name of the DB view

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Set-up ‘Header Attributes’

Configure the topic / queue / event hub name to send the events to:

  • Go to section Header Attributes
  • Add New Entry and specify the header attributes and values

Please note the header attributes are endpoint/platform specific. Here are examples:

Header attribute Header attribute value Example required for Connector
AZURE_TOPIC the topic/queue/event hub MaterialMaster Microsoft Azure
ACI_ADD_LOGSYS To add the logical system to the top level of the payload. Only works for the generic view extractors / formatters X All connectors – optional
AZURE_IMMEDIATE_RETRY Amount of retries – default is 2 4 Microsoft Azure – optional


Set up ‘Business Object Event Linkage’

Link the configuration of the outbound object to a Business Object event:

  • Transaction: SWE2
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object Category: BO BOR Object Type
    • Object Type: the Business Object Type sending the event
    • Event: the event to react to
    • Receiver Type: the message type of the outbound object (this is the link to the Addon configuration)
    • Receiver Call: Function Module
    • Receiver Function Module: /ASADEV/ACI_EVENTS_TRIGGER
    • Linkage Activated: tick the checkbox

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Test the outbound event creation

In the example above, please pick any test sales order in transaction /nVA02 and force a change event, e.g. by changing the requested delivery date on header level.

Configure Payload changes

The new versions of the generic view formatters support more control over the payload via configuration. There are three different possibilities:

  • Rename table: renaming for the tables involved
  • Rename field: better and more JSON friendly names for the fields
  • Append a new field: e.g. a custom computed field or some additional fixed values

Each option is described below. To rename a table you:

  • Go to Field Mapping, add New Entry and specify:
    • Target structure: TABLE_RENAME
    • Target field: the new name as it should appear in the JSON (e.g. MaterialMaster)
    • Source structure: the original name of the table (e.g. MARA)

To rename a field you:

  • Go to Field Mapping, add New Entry and specify:
    • Target structure: FIELD_RENAME
    • Target field: the new name as it should appear in the JSON (e.g. ChangeDate)
    • Source field: the original name of the field (e.g. ERSDA)

To append a new field you:

  • Go to Field Mapping, add New Entry and specify:
    • Target structure: APPEND_<tablename> (e.g. APPEND_MAKT); the table name is used to determine the level where the new field is added to the JSON
    • Target field: the name of the field as it should appear in the JSON (e.g. CustomField)
    • Default value: if the field should be set to a fixed value
    • Conversion class/method name: name of a class and method used to determine the value of the field; the class must implement interface /ASADEV/ACI_CONVER_IF

Set-up Packed Load (split large data)

Create Outbound Object configuration

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Select the created Connection
  • Go to section Outbound Objects
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object: name of the outbound configuration
    • Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEW_EXT_PACK
    • Message Type: the created message type(optional)
    • Load Type: Packed Load
    • Trace: activate for testing purposes
    • Formatting Function: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEW_FORMATTER (depending on your use case)

Create database view

Note Please also refer to chapter For the data events also configure the DB view that is used to define the extraction:

  • Transaction: SE11 (for SAP ERP or S/4HANA on-prem deployments with SAP GUI access)
  • Alternatively, you can use Eclipse with ABAP Development Tools, or the SAP Fiori App “Create Custom CDS Views” to create a database view if you have this app available in SAP S/4HANA.

Example: Material master view


Set-up ‘Header Attributes’

  • Go to section Header Attributes of the outbound object created previously
  • Add New Entry and specify the header attributes and values
Header attribute Header attribute value Example
ACI_PACK_BDCP_COMMIT Flag for changepointer creation. If set, changepointers will be generated for every entry. IF this flag is set, a messagetype has to be maintained in the outbound object. Caution: This may heavily impact performance. X
ACI_PACK_TABLE Name of the table to take the keyfields from. This is typically different then the db view specified in ‘ACI_VIEW‘ as we only want to build packages based on the header object and the db view typically contains sub-objects as well  MARA
ACI_PACK_RETRY_TIME Time in seconds. This is the duration in which the framework will attempt to get a new resource from the servergroup 300
ACI_PACK_WHERE_COND Condition that is applied to the table defined in ‘ACI_PACK_TABLE
ACI_PACK_SIZE Number of entries to send 500
ACI_PACK_KEY_LENGTH Length of the key to use from the ACI_PACK_TABLE (e.g. MANDT + MATNR) 13
ACI_VIEW name of a SAP database view that is key compatible with the ACI_PACK_TABLE Z_MARM_TEST

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Execute the initial load

Warning depending on the amount of data this can stress the SAP system servers immensely. Please always consult with your basis team for the correct server group to use!

  • Transaction: /ASADEV/ACI
  • Select the Connection and hit enter
  • Select Upload Type: P
  • Select Replication Object 
  • Select a Servergroup (this is mandatory)

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Pull-based inbound processing for Azure Service Bus

Inbound messages can be received using an Azure Service Bus queue. The messages are read from the queue using the Peek-Lock mechanism. After the message has been read and processed successfully it is deleted from the queue. This is repeated until all messages in the queue have been processed and the queue is empty. To process the inbound messages, you can use either the generic IDoc based approach as displayed in the example or you can directly process the payload.

Create Inbound Object configuration

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Go to ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Select the Connection to your Azure Service Bus
  • Go to section Inbound Objects
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object: name of the inbound configuration
    • Message Type: the created message type
    • Trace: activate for testing purposes

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Configure Header Attributes

Configure the queue name to pull the messages from and settings for the polling:

  • Go to section Header Attributes
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Header Attribute: AZURE_QUEUE_NAME
    • Header Attribute Value: the queue name from which to pull messages
Default Attribute Default Attribute Value
AZURE_QUEUE_NAME Queue to pull messages from; Mandatory
AZURE_PULL_DURATION Duration of the polling in seconds (default: 60 secs)
AZURE_PULL_WAIT How long to wait (in seconds) between pulls if no new messages present (default 3 secs)

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