Microsoft Fabric Connector
You can connect SAP systems with Microsoft Fabric.
Required components of ASAPIO Integration Add-ons:
Add-on/component name | Type |
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Framework | Base component (required) |
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Connector for Microsoft® Azure® | Additional package |
Pre-requisites for Microsoft® Fabric® services
The following settings are specific to the connector for Microsoft® Fabric®.
A Microsoft® Fabric® and Azure® account is required, with access to one of the following services:
- Lakehouse
Steps required to establish connectivity
To establish connectivity with the Microsoft Fabric platform, please proceed with the following activities and refer to the specific documentation articles please.
- Create RFC destinations to Microsoft Fabric platform in SAP system settings
- Set-up connection instance to Microsoft Fabric platform in ASAPIO Integration Add-on
- Endpoint configuration (Lakehouse)
Please see article “Authentication options” for an overview of supported authentication options for the different endpoints. - See article example outbound message for a simple example to test the connectivity
Predefined Content or Custom Data Products
You can either use predefined content from the data catalog or create your custom data products. The predefined content can either be used directly or as a template for further customization.
The chapters Create RFC Destination and Set-up Connection Instance are required for all approaches. After completing them, either go through the Predefined Content with Data Catalog or the Custom Data Products chapter.
Authentication options
The Fabric service offer OAuth via Entra ID as authorization
To learn how to configure the service, you can see in the specific article.
Create RFC destinations
Create RFC destination for messaging endpoints
Create a new RFC destination of type “G” (HTTP Connection to External Server).
- Transaction: SM59
- Create new destination of type “G”
- Specify Target Host: ‘’’’
Add the certificates for the created destinations to the certificate list selected in tab Logon & Security:
Create RFC destination for OAuth Authentication
To use OAuth authentication with Entra ID, please configure a RFC destination specifying the OAuth endpoint
- Transaction: SM59
- Create new destination of type “G”
- Specify Target Host:
- Specify Path Prefix: <tenantID>/oauth2/token
Add the certificates for the created destinations to the certificate list selected in tab Logon & Security:
Add Certificates to Trust Store
- Transaction: STRUST
- Select Certificate List as used in RFC destination created above
- Click button Import certificate (1)
- Click button Add to Certificate List (2)
Set-up connection instance
Create the connection instance customizing that ties together the RFC destination created earlier and the cloud connector type:
- Transaction: SPRO
- Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
- Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
- Add New Entry and specify:
- Field Instance: a name for this connection in
- Field RFC Dest. (Upload): the RFC destination create for the messaging endpoint (please see article Create RFC destinations)
- Field ISO Code: the code page to use
- Field Cloud Type: AZURE (or the name you chose when adding the connector)
Set-up Error Type Mapping
Create an entry in section Error Type Mapping and specify at least the following mapping:
Resp. Code: 201 | Message Type: Success |
Resp. Code: 202 | Message Type: Success |
Save Secret in SAP Secure Store
For OAuth authentication, a secret has to be stored in the systems’ SAP Secure Store.
- Client Secretfor OAuth
Enter the secret in the SAP Secure Store:
- Transaction: SPRO
- GotoASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Set the cloud connection password
- Or go directly to transaction:/ASADEV/SCI_TPW
- Select the createCloud Instance
- Enter the client secret in theCloud Shared Secret field and execute
Predefined Content with Data Catalog
The Data Catalog for Fabric provides a set of predefined message payloads based on SAP S/4HANA CDS views, as well as a preconfigured interfaces for Integration Add-on. This eliminates the need for users to perform significant configuration tasks, allowing for a rapid start and the execution of tests.
Predefined content
This overview details the predefined content included. It also provides an instance (FABRIC) comprising several replication objects and the corresponding payload designs.
Predefined interfaces (‘Objects’)
Description | Replication Object |
Predefined payloads
The following list of pre-defined objects is currently provided, for Fabric connector only, and subject to change / extension.
Payload design versions 2.0 and higher are based on CDS views and therefore require SAP S/4HANA.
Description | CDS View | Payload Design | Payload Design Version |
Operational accounting documents | I_OPERATIONALACCTGDOCITEM | /ASAPIO/OPACCOUNTINGITEM | 2.0 |
Delivery documents | I_DELIVERYDOCUMENT | /ASAPIO/DELIVERY | 2.0 |
The Payload Designs for SAP ECC:
Description | Leading Table | Payload Design | Payload Design version |
Sales document items | VBAP | /ASAPIO/SALESORDERITEM | 1.0 |
Billing documents | VBRP | /ASAPIO/BILLINGITEM | 1.0 |
Delivery documents | LIKP | /ASAPIO/DELIVERY | 1.0 |
Delivery document items | LIPS | /ASAPIO/DELIVERYITEM | 1.0 |
Purchase requisition | EBAN | /ASAPIO/PURCHASEREQUISITION | 1.0 |
Purchase orders | EKKO | /ASAPIO/PURCHASEORDER | 1.0 |
Purchase order items | EKPO | /ASAPIO/PURCHASEORDERITEM | 1.0 |
Custom Data Products
Send outbound message
Create Message Type
Example: in the example below, we use the Material Change event. Please choose any other suitable example if required.
For each object to be sent via ACI you have to create a message type:
- Transaction: WE81
- Add New Entry and specify:
- Message Type: unique name for the integration
Description: description of the purpose
Activate Message Type
The created message type has to be activated:
- Transaction: BD50
- Add New Entryand specify:
- Message Type: the created message type
- Active: tick the checkbox
Create Payload Design
Go to the ASAPIO Payload Designer with the transaction /asadev/design. There you can create a new payload using Create payload (Shift+F4).
- Now create a payload with the following criteria:
- View: Payload name
- Application: Data modell application
- Version: Version of payload
Push the join builder button to add your table, DB view or CDS view:
Use the button Insert table (Shift+F1).
Go back and save.
Create Outbound Object configuration
- Transaction: SPRO
- Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
- Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
- Select the created Connection
- Go to section Outbound Objects
- Add New Entry and specify:
- Object: name of the outbound configuration
- Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_PDVIEW_EXTRACT
- File Name: name with file format
- Message Type: the created message type
- Load Type: Incremental Load
- Trace: activate for testing purposes
- Payload View Name: name of payload design
- Payload View Version: version of payload design
Set up ‘Business Object Event Linkage’
Link the configuration of the outbound object to a Business Object event:
- Transaction: SWE2 or got to Event Linkage on the left side
- Add New Entry and specify:
- Object Category: BO BOR Object Type
- Object Type: Business Object Type sending the event
- Event: the event to react to
- Receiver Type: the message type of the outbound object (this is the link to the Addon configuration)
- Receiver Call: Function Module
- Receiver Function Module: /ASADEV/ACI_EVENTS_TRIGGER
- Linkage Activated: tick the checkbox
Set-up target endpoint in ‘Header Attributes’
Configure the Lakehouse endpoint:
- Go to section Header Attributes
- Add New Entry and specify:
Header Attribute | Header Attribute Value |
FABRIC_FILE_PATH | your path to file folder e.g. ‘’/Files’’ |
FABRIC_LAKEHOUSE | your lakehouse id specified in Fabric |
FABRIC_WORKSPACE | your workspace id specified in Fabric |
Activating the change pointer information with header attribute (Optional)
Configure the change pointer info:
- Go to section Header Attributes
- Add New Entry and specify:
Header Attribute | Header Attribute Value |
Information can be transferred from the change pointer to the payload.
The following information can be used:
Information field | Description |
ACICPIDENT | Change pointer ID |
ACITABNAME | Table name (Event Object Type) |
ACITABKEY | Composed of: Event Type, Mandt, Entry Key |
ACICRETIME | Creation time |
ACIACTTIME | Activation time |
ACICDCHGID | Change Indicator |
Customize the change pointer information
Fields can be renamed or omitted:
- Go to section Field Mapping
- Add New Entry and specify:
Target structure | Target field | Default value |
Test the outbound event creation
In the example above, please pick any test sales order in transaction /nVA02 and force a change event, e.g. by changing the requested delivery date on header level.
Set-up Packed Load/Initial load (split large data)
Create payload
E.g. Payload Design created in transaction /ASADEV/DESIGN
Create Outbound Object configuration
- Transaction: SPRO
- Goto ASAPIO Cloud Integrator – Connection and Replication Object Customizing
- Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
- Select the created Connection
- Go to section Outbound Objects
- Add New Entry and specify:
- Object: name of the outbound configuration
- Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_PDVIEW_EXTRACT
- File Name: name with file format
- Message Type: the created message type (optional)
- Load Type: Packed Load
- Trace: activate for testing purposes
- Payload View Name: name of payload design
- Payload View Version: version of payload design
Set-up ‘Header Attributes’
- Go to section Header Attributes of the outbound object created previously
- Add New Entry and specify the header attributes and values
Header attribute | Header attribute value | Example |
ACI_PACK_BDCP_COMMIT | Flag for changepointer creation.
If set, changepointers will be generated for every entry. IF this flag is set, a messagetype has to be maintained in the outbound object. Caution: This may heavily impact performance. |
X |
ACI_PACK_TABLE | Name of the table to take the keyfields from. This is typically different then the db view specified in ‘ACI_VIEW‘ as we only want to build packages based on the header object and the db view typically contains sub-objects as well | VBAK |
ACI_PACK_TRY | Number of attempts to get a new ressource from the servergroup (typically you should choose a very high number here) | 100000 |
ACI_PACK_RETRY_TIME | Time in seconds. This is the duration in which the framework will attempt to get a new ressource from the servergroup | Note: this is not yet released, use ACI_PACK_TRY instead |
Condition that is applied to the table defined in ‘ACI_PACK_TABLE‘ | |
ACI_PACK_SIZE | Number of entries to send | 500 |
ACI_PACK_KEY_LENGTH | Length of the key to use from the ACI_PACK_TABLE (e.g. MANDT + MATNR) | 13 |
Execute the initial load
depending on the amount of data this can stress the SAP system servers immensely.
Please always consult with your basis team for the correct server group to use!
- Transaction: /ASADEV/ACI
- Select the Connection and hit enter
- Select Upload Type: P
- Select Replication Object
- Select a Servergroup (this is mandatory)
Monitoring, traces and logs
ASAPIO Integration Add-on Monitor allows for monitoring all outbound and inbound messages of the Add-on, with the following features:
- View statistical and graphical analysis of data volume, times, and errors
- Logging of HTTP return codes and messages
- Logging of requests (RAW data) can be switched on/off in application customizing (IMG)
- Retransmission control through SAP change pointers (to ensure event delivery) if errors occur
- Notification and/or escalation to system administrators (or through SAP Workflow) if errors occur
You can find detailed information here: Monitoring Documentation
Import CSV files into Lakehouse
A generic Fabric Notebook can be utilized to facilitate the automatic import of CSV files to a Lakehouse database.
Create a Fabric Notebook
Create a new notebook in your Lakehouse and use the example code from below.
- Go to your Fabric Workspace
- Use New and Import notebook
- Upload the ASAPIO Notebook file
Configure the Notebook
To utilize the notebook, it is first necessary to personalize the file name, the path to the files and the path to the database.
To change variable | Description |
path_to_csv_files | Path of the CSV file folder |
path_to_delta_table | Path of the database |
pattern | The regular expression pattern of the CSV file name must be modified to align with the configured file name in SAP. Only the marked part needs to be changed. |
pattern_with_groups | The regular expression pattern of the CSV file name must be modified to align with the configured file name in SAP. Only the marked part needs to be changed. |
Schedule the Notebook as a job
You can schedule the notebook as a job, e.g. hourly.
- Go to tab Run and use Schedule
- Configure to your plan and use Apply
Example coding:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from delta.tables import DeltaTable import re # Initialize a SparkSession with Hive support enabled. spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("LakehouseUpdater").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() # Specify the path to the CSV files. path_to_csv_files = "abfss://" # Specify the path to the Delta table. path_to_delta_table = "abfss://" # Compile a regex pattern to filter the file names. pattern = re.compile(r'aci_sales_order_\d{8}_\d{6}_[a-f0-9]{6}\.csv') # Define the pattern with groups for sorting based on date and time. pattern_with_groups = re.compile(r'aci_sales_order_(\d{8})_(\d{6})_([a-f0-9]{6})\.csv') # Retrieve a list of file names. files = # Initialize a list to hold filtered file names. filtered_files = [] # Iterate through the file list and add names that match the pattern to the list. for file in files: if pattern.match( filtered_files.append( # Sort the file list based on the defined pattern. filtered_files.sort(key=lambda x: pattern_with_groups.match(x).groups()) # Create a DeltaTable object for the specified Delta table. delta_table = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, path_to_delta_table) # Loop over each file in the filtered list. for file in files: # Load the content of the file into an RDD. rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile(file.path) # Retrieve the first line which contains field names. first_line = rdd.first() # Extract field names from the first line. _, field_names_str = first_line.split("=") field_names = field_names_str.split(",") # Construct a condition format for merging data based on field names. condition_format = " AND ".join([f"old_data.{field} = new_data.{field}" for field in field_names]) # Create a new RDD without the first line. rdd_without_first_line = rdd.filter(lambda line: line != first_line) # Convert the RDD to a DataFrame, now that the non-CSV compliant first line is removed. df =, header=True, inferSchema=True) # Perform a merge operation between the existing Delta table and the new data, # updating existing records and inserting new ones as necessary. (delta_table .alias("old_data") .merge(df.alias("new_data"), condition_format) .whenMatchedUpdateAll() .whenNotMatchedInsertAll() .execute() ) # Remove the processed file. mssparkutils.fs.rm(file.path, True)