
Connectors > Google® Cloud Platform

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ASAPIO Integration Add-on facilitates the direct integration of supported SAP NetWeaver® systems with Google Cloud Platform, Pub/Sub event messaging service.

Add-on/component name Type
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Framework Base component (required)
ASAPIO Integration Add-on – Connector for Google Pub/Sub Additional package

Key features:

  • Supports a wide range of SAP NetWeaver based systems, including SAP ERP, S/4HANA, BW, HCM and many more
  • Out-of-the-box connectivity to Google Pub/Sub
  • Inbound connectivity is also possible, using a webhook to call the ASAPIO REST endpoint
  • Switch between event-driven (single events) or batch mode (job-driven) calls
  • Batch mode allows multi-threading with multiple SAP work processes
  • From Pub/Sub, you can route the data to many more Google services, like
    • Dataflow
    • Cloud Storage
    • Firestore
    • BigQuery
    • AppEngine
    • …and many other services

Block Architecture (Example)


Pre-requisites for Google Pub/Sub services

The following settings are specific to the connector for Google Pub/Sub.
Also, a Google Cloud account is required with access to the Google Pub/Sub service.

Steps required to establish connectivity

To establish connectivity with the Google Pub/Sub service, please proceed with the following activities and refer to the specific documentation chapters:

  1. Create RFC destinations to Google Cloud platform in the SAP system settings
  2. Set-up authentication to Google Cloud platform
  3. Set-up basic configuration to lay the foundation of using the Google Pub/Sub connector
  4. Set-up connection instance to Google Pub/Sub in ASAPIO Integration Add on
  5. See chapter Send example outbound message for a simple example to test connectivity

Create RFC destinations

Add Certificate to Trust Store

  • Download all certificates (root and intermediate) from the GlobalSign website: support.globalsign.com
  • In transaction STRUST, double click the node “SSL Client (Anonymous)”.


  • In the very bottom press the “Import certificate” button and select the downloaded certificate file
  • Press the “Add to Certificate List” button. Confirm by pressing “Save” button at the very top.

Create RFC destination for OAuth2 Authentication

Create a new RFC destination of type “G” (HTTP Connection to External Server).

  • Transaction: SM59
  • Create new destination of type “G”
  • On “Technical Settings” tab, specify Target Host: oauth2.googleapis.com

  • On “Logon & Security” tab activate SSL and select ANONYM SSL Client
  • On “Special Options” tab set HTTP version to HTTP 1.0 and Accept Cookie to Yes (All)

  • Save and press on “Connection Test”, which should result in HTTP status code 404

Create RFC destination for Google Pub/Sub messaging

  • Transaction: SM59
  • Create new destination of type “G”
  • On “Technical Settings” tab, specify Target Host: pubsub.googleapis.com

  • On “Logon & Security” tab, activate SSL and select ANONYM SSL Client

  • On “Special Options” tab, the default values are sufficient
  • Save and press on “Connection Test”, which will result in HTTP status code 404
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Set-up Authentication

Create Service Account in Google Cloud Platform

To facilitate server to server connectivity you have to create a service account using the following steps:

  1. Create a new IAP-secured Web App User:

Navigate to IAM & Admin -> Service accounts and create a new service account. Type in a name and description and press create. On the next screen you have to select a role. Type in IAP in the search and select the role IAP-secured Web App User.

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  1. Go to Actions > Manage keys and add a new P12 Key. Note down the password for later use.
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Create new SSF Application

  1. Create a new entry in table SSFAPPLIC.
    Transaction: SE16
    Search for table SSFAPPLIC

    Choose Execute

    Create a new entry:
  2. Go to transaction: SSFA
    Add new entry for the newly created SSF Application and set properties as shown in the screenshot (note especially the SSF Profile Name):

Import Service Account Certificate

The creation of the SSF application has created a new node in transaction STRUST.

For newer releases the following steps can be used:

  • Transaction: STRUST
  • Go into “Edit” mode
  • In the menu bar choose PSE > Import and Import the .p12 file that you downloaded earlier
    Note: if the import of the .p12 file was not possible, use the command line to convert the .p12 file to a .pse file as described in the next section
  • On the top menu select PSE > Save as
  • Select “SSF Application” and select the SSF application you have created in the previous step
  • Confirm and save
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For older releases that dont support P12 Files follow these steps:

  • Copy the P12 Key into a directory of your choice: <drive>:usrexe
  • Open a command window and navigate to the executables directory
  • Execute the sapgenpse command:

sapgenpse import_p12 -p <drive>:usr<SSF_Profile> <key_name>.p12

Example :

sapgenpse import_p12 -p D:usr/SAP/JWT_S2100.pse project-messaging-339506-323631149f29.p12

  • Enter the password from your Google service account, that was shown while creating the P12 key.
    Ein Bild, das Text enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung
  • Go to transaction: STRUST
  • In the menu bar choose PSE > Import and Import the just created .pse file
    Ein Bild, das Text enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung
  • On the top menu select PSE > Save as
  • Select “SSF Application” and select the SSF application you have created earlier
  • Confirm and save

Set-up basic settings

The following settings are specific to the connector for Google Pub/Sub

Configure cloud adapter for Google Pub/Sub

Add an entry for the connector to the list of cloud adapters:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Go to IMG > ASAPIO Cloud IntegratorMaintain Cloud Adapter. Add New Entry and specify:
  • Cloud Type

Set-up Codepages

Specify codepages used in the integration:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Go to IMG > ASAPIO Cloud IntegratorMaintain Cloud Codepages
  • Add New Entry and specify the code pages to be used:

Set-up connection instance

Create the connection instance customizing together with the RFC destination created earlier and the cloud connector type:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Go to IMG > ASAPIO Cloud IntegratorConnection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Field Instance: a name for this connection in
    • Field RFC Dest. (Upload): the RFC destination create for the messaging endpoint
    • Field ISO Code: the code page to use
    • Field Cloud Type: GOOGLE_PS (or the name you chose when adding the connector)

Set-up Authentication

For OAuth based authentication using GCP, provide the following Default Attribute Values:

Mandatory Default Attribute Values:

  • GCP_EMAIL_SERVICEACCT_JWT_ISS: The email address of your google service account created earlier.
  • GCP_TOKEN_DESTINATION: The RFC destination created for the OAuth2 endpoint.
  • GCP_SSF_PROFILE: Name for the PSE containing the certificate for the service account

Optional Default Attribute Values:

  • GCP_EXPIRATION_TIME_JWT_EXP: The offset for the expiration time of the assertion, specified as seconds. This value has a maximum of 1 hour after the issued time.
  • GCP_PERMISSION_JWT_SCOPE : A space-delimited list of the permissions that the application requests.

Set-up outbound messaging

Create Message Type

For each object to be sent via ACI you have to create a message type:

  • Transaction: WE81
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Message Type: unique name for the integration
    • Description: description of the purpose

Activate Message Type

The created message type has to be activated:

  • Transaction: BD50
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Message Type: the created message type
    • Active: tick the checkbox

Create Outbound Object Configuration

Create an outbound object configuration:

  • Transaction: SPRO
  • Go to IMG > ASAPIO Cloud IntegratorConnection and Replication Object Customizing
  • Or go directly to transaction: /ASADEV/68000202
  • Select the created Connection
  • Go to section Outbound Objects
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object: name of the outbound configuration
    • Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_SIMPLE_NOTIFY
    • Load Type: Incremental Load
    • Trace: activate for testing purposes
    • Formatting Func.: /ASADEV/ACI_EVNT_FORMATTER_GCP

This example uses the built-in notification event.

To utilize the built-in data events change the configuration of these fields:

  • Extraction Func. Module: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEW_EXTRACTOR
  • Formatting Function: /ASADEV/ACI_GEN_VIEWFORM_GCP
  • Extraction View Name: Z_MARM_TEST

If you want to create different events with more data or different information in them then you can also create a custom extractor function module.

For more complex events we recommend splitting the extraction and formatting of the data by using the Formatting Function as well.

Set-up target endpoint in Header Attributes

Configure the topic / queue / event hub name to send the events to:

  • Go to section Header Attributes
  • Mandatory Header Attribute:
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Header Attribute: GOOGLE_TOPIC
    • Header Attribute Value: projects/*********/topics/aci-messaging-topic

Set-up Business Object Event Linkage

Link the configuration of the outbound object to a Business Object event:

  • Go to section Event Linkage
  • Add New Entry and specify:
    • Object Category: BOR Object Type
    • Object Type: The Business Object Type sending the event
    • Event: Event to react to
    • Receiver Function Module: /ASADEV/ACI_EVENTS_TRIGGER
    • Type linkage active: tick the checkbox

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